The decision to jointly organise the 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR was made at the EU–China Summit in July 2016. At the heart of this policy is a co-op marketing programme which aims at increasing the tourist interflow between the EU and China.
Responsible for the implementation of the 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR are the European Commission and the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA).
With Europe being the third-most popular region for Chinese tourists to visit, business opportunities for the European retail and tourism industries will further increase and your participation therein will be extremely rewarding. The 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR can help you to reap the benefits of the growing inflow to the EU of travellers from China.
Our 4 MUST-KNOW THINGS ABOUT THE 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR will help you to be better informed about the opportunities that this programme offers to you.
Here are some areas that the marketing programme picks up on:
Broadening Chinese tourists’ perception of Europe
The 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR will not only support well-established destinations on both sides, but also potential ones that are not well known so far. Throughout the year 2018 workshops and forums will take place offering the opportunity to present new travel destinations and promote campaigns to increase visitor interest and traffic.
Be prepared for more independent Chinese travellers coming to Europe
In order to understand Chinese tourists’ preferences and the role that online platforms and social media play in their choices, the 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR offers also workshops and other supporting policy guidance. The general aim is to better understand cultural differences and to get a feel for Chinese tourists’ needs and wishes.
New opportunities for the European retail industries
The ongoing transformation of the Chinese outbound travel market and Chinese tourists’ preferences offers new business opportunities for the European retail and travel industries. Shopping has been one of the most popular activities of Chinese tourists during their visits to Europe. Famous international brands in the fields of cosmetics, apparel and household goods have been traditionally on their shopping lists. With the growing interest in the individual European countries’ different cultures, local handicrafts and products with unique designs have become extremely popular.
[layerslider id=”33″]Download now our ‘4 MUST-KNOW THINGS ABOUT THE 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR’
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We are very interested in your own opinions and experiences, and would love to hear from you. What we would be interested to know is:
- Are you aware of the enormous opportunities of the 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR for your own business?
- Are you already offering some special sales or services arrangements for Chinese tourists during the 2018 EU–CHINA TOURISM YEAR?
Thank you for sharing your ideas and feedback with us!
Wishing you all the best,
Rossella and Margot